I concede.
As much I don't want to say this, I might have to put a bookmark in my blog for the time being.
After moving this summer my life has been one constant change of pace. I pretty much live in two houses, never with what I need for the day at the house I'm currently in, of course. It seems like I'm always playing a big game of catch-up and/or always trying to plan three days in advance because I probably won't be "home" for a while.
I find whenever I get the chance to sit down at the computer I'm always doing non-fun computer stuff and never have time left to use this wonderful machine to share with you all what I'm doing that falls under the category of, "keeping myself from going stir-crazy."
So to that end, I think I will put a, "temporary out of order" sticker on my blog.
That is not to say I might not surprise you with a mid-winter fun post or something like that. But I wanted to acknowledge that yes, I haven't posted in a month, and damnit it might be another two before I post again!
But don't think, my blogger buddies, that I have been sitting around staring at walls. Oh no, no. As crazy as life is, I have found time to enjoy some winter activities. Perhaps my mid-winter fun post will showcase some of my anti-stir-crazy accomplishments. Until then, here's a bulleted update of what The Pale Gardener has been doing with herself:
- Working on two different knitted hats using two different techniques
- Learning how to use knitting-in-the-round in unique situations (AKA I'm afraid of double-pointed needles still so I'm trying to milk the circular needles as long as possible)
- Also knitting a pillow cover
- Obviously on a knitting frenzy here, people
- I'm getting hitched! Yup, The Boy proposed to me over Christmas and I said, "yeah sure." :) Though a work in progress, the darling made my ring for me. He's the cutest thing and so freakin' talented!
- The Boy and I are doing some serious living-together-again searches. We have our eyes set on a really cute converted farm house out in the country - no more apartment complex living for us! We are just waiting to hear when the current tenant is moving out.
- I'm trying to survive another Winter here in NY. Though we really have not had any big snow storms, yet, so I'm waiting for that beast to move on in!
- On the table for the future: OUTDOOR winter activities - iceskating, hockey-gaming, snowshoeing, more knitting, dabbling in crocheting, garden prepping, back to schooling (next week, eep!), and more -ings!
So there was my attempt at converging a few potentially awesome blog posts to one lame bulleted list. I promise guys, I'll make it up to you. When we move into our new converted farm house (love my optimism eh?) I'll be sure to load this baby up with beautiful pictures of me frolicking around in my winter hat(s), carrying my pillow, all while wearing my engagement ring.
Or something like that. :)
Thanks for understanding, my blogger buddies, you guys are the best!
6 years ago
Respond to my emails! Maybe I have the wrong address for you? Not sure, but holla back at me when you get the chance because I've wanted to say:
ReplyDeleteA) Congratulations on the ol' engagement! I want to see that pretty handmade ring. Is it made out of elephant tusk or something? I hope so. Unless... maybe that is against some sort of hunting law. Hunting elephant? Probably not ok. But I want to see the ring regardless :)
D) Teach me to knit? I'll help with the crochet and we'll be unstoppable.