*So I was having a conversation about this with someone and got so worked up about it I was like, "I need to post this on my blog." Well I get here, and apparently I already did...so weird because I don't remember it at all...hmmm. Anyway, I wrote a whole new one before I realized I already wrote one. So to beat a dead horse, I'll put my new rants in here. Look for the ol' italics. Think of it as a review of sorts.*
What would our world be like if we didn't have fresh water? If people could not grow food? If there was mass migration and its effects? What if our polar ice melted so much that NYC would face a six-foot ocean rise?
Worst case scenario?
Humans could essentially be extincted by 2100. (Less than our children's lives!)
This program was fascinating, I recommend anyone watch it. Especially those who still have the crazy idea that global warming and human global destruction are just "scare tactics" and made-up lies for those damn liberals to get what they want.
It does paint the U.S. a bit rosier than it should, essentially blaming other countries for the downfall of society, but hey, this is ABC so I guess we take the good with the bad.
The program was shot really interestingly in a very graphic novelish way. (Think Sin City) And it follows a girl who was born June 2, 2009 up until 2100.
Many will say it's a scare tactic, that it wouldn't really happen that way, blah blah blah. But I think there are some very good things to take away from it. OK, so NYC would probably not likely try and build a wall around the city to prevent the rising ocean current from getting in...but...hey, we've done stranger things. So we may not go down THAT way, but the program showed everything negative about human nature and why we would bring ourselves down, one way or another, if we keep acting the way we do.
Anyway, I am quite passionate about the environment, so from now and again I will get on my soapbox and rave a bit about this beautiful planet we live on.
If you enjoyed this maybe you should forward it to all you know who still leave the water on when they brush their teeth, who drive huge vehicles to transport only themselves, who don't recycle, who eat too much meat, who don't attempt to take care of this precious, vulnerable world we live in.
Forward it to all you know who have young children or who plan to have children. Because our world is going to be a vicious place to live in if we don't do something now. And we may not have to face the total wrath of it, but our kids might, and damn, I know I don't want to have to apologize to them their whole lives.
5 years ago
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