Well I did do it, I'm just behind on blogging about it. So we're going to pretend it's a week ago.
OK, so, la la, it is April 11th and here we go with Jessica's Science Experiment to the Stars!
I bought two different seed starting kits:
Jiffy seed starter - $5.89
Burpee seed starter - $7.99
So what I did was plant the same seed in both both starter kits, at the same time, and I'll compare both to see which one grows better plants.
So far this is my synopsis of the two:
I was very excited about this because it was different than other seed starting kits I've seen. This is a coconut fiber-based medium. The box touts its ability to drain well, preventing root rot and such.
+ It came with plastic tags so I could label each cell group.
+ Relatively mess-free. I live in a small apartment, without a yard, so mess-free is the way to be!
+ The coconut comes in a compact sphere and it expands in seconds when water is poured on it.
- The cells are very deep so I can see it being a pain trying to get them out when the time comes.
- Although the fiber expanded quickly it didn't expand evenly and it took me a while to break up all the bits.
Pretty standard mix. Comes in netting.
+ The netting will make transfer very easy.
+ Expanded quickly and evenly.
- Doesn't come with tags. I made homemade ones...out of cardboard...they were soaked quickly...not my brightest move.
- A little messier than the coconut because the pods don't sit in any container, so the dirt spilled out a bit.
So what did we plant!
- Mexican sunflower
- lavender
- thyme
- chamomile
- sweet marjoram
I have a few more I still need to plant, but it's a bit early and I don't feel like transplanting things 8 times before I can bring them outside.
As you can see, I don't have any veggies. I will plant a lettuce mix, but I'm going to plant it right into the soil. The rest will be grown at the ol' p-rents house and I will share all that goodness as well.
Next week on The Pale Gardener - I'll let you all know which medium had the first sprouts! ooooo the suspense! I'll also post some pictures of the E.S. Garden (my new name for the parent's place) it's coming along wonderfully!
Keep your fingers crossed the seeds survive the weekend.
The boy is turning 25 tomorrow (Happy Birthday Nick!) and we're going out to visit my bro for the weekend. So I hope when Sunday rolls around I don't come home to poor little dead seedlings.
Yes, let's us know how's the development. I thought now there are those little tags that supply water sufficient for a weekend away?? Sorry, I am not so much of a green thumb, this is just a laywoman to plants haha.